Build a Web App for Millions of Users

4595 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
4595 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4

This campaign is over.

starts on:
Jan 09, 2023, 07:11 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Mar 06, 2023, 07:55 AM UTC (UTC)

Submission Guideline

Hackathon Project Guidelines

In order to protect the privacy of Pioneers and to maintain a seamless integration of your app in the Pi ecosystem, user authentication must occur using the Pi Authentication API; please do not ask for an alternative signup in the user flow of your Pi app on the Pi Browser. Please also do not ask for their contact information after they have signed in their Pi username. This includes information like email, name, phone number, and address.

All payments must occur using the Pi Payments API. Do not charge your Pi users in non-Pi blockchain assets. This includes any fiat currency or other cryptocurrencies that are not Pi.

Project Submission Guidelines

  1. You must submit your final project on the Pi Brainstorm App, and your Brainstorm project listing should include the following:
    • a description of your app (3-4 sentences maximum)
    • a presentation on your app in the form of a YouTube video (5 minutes maximum)
    • The URL where your application can be accessed through the Pi Browser. It is ok if your app only works on Testnet mode, but Mainnet apps are preferred.
  2. Create a publicly accessible YouTube video that includes the following:
    • Overview of your project (what is it?)
      • Who is your target audience?
      • What is the problem you are solving, or user needs you are addressing?
      • How do you solve that problem/need from a user perspective?
    • How did you integrate Pi into your project?
    • Demonstration of the app functionality and user-flow
    • Brief overview of your tech
      • From a technical perspective how do you solve the key problem?
      • What unique features have you built into your app?
      • What major product qualities or achievements do you want to highlight?
    • This video should be no longer than 5 minutes

Submission Instructions

  1. In the Pi Brainstorm App, ensure your project summary is up to date
  2. Add a link to your YouTube presentation video in the “Presentation video” field
  3. If you are using the PiOS license, add a link to your Github repository in the “Github repo” field
  4. Tap the “SUBMIT FOR REVIEW” button, then tap”CONFIRM” when you are ready to submit
  5. On the HackerEarth site, in your final submission add a link to your Brainstorm URL as well as a link to the same YouTube presentation video

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